Thursday, October 13, 2011
Just go for it
so much on my mind lately... it is crazy how one person can come into your life at the exact time that you needed them the most but it was probaley the worst time for them. It is also crazy how one person can lift you up so much, become that one support system that you have needed for so long and truley change your whole outlook on life. I have been having a lot of regrets lately... looking back on my life I have wasted way to much time worrying about stupid shit that I have No control over and allowing negative hurtful people into my life. I am 23 years old and need to start LIVING!! I have beeen taking little moments for myself like taking a bubble bath or just reading a non nursing book, these little moments are essential for my sanity right now... and i have realized that I need to cherish the time i have with my precious little boy and stop allowing school and work to take over... yes these are a must and I have to work hard to provide for Landon and I but there is a time in life where you have to take a step back and truly enjoy what you have NOW and live for Today because life as you know it can change in an instant. The little things i complain about i have realized they are things that some people would kill for! Just the ability to breathe... to go school and persue my dream to become a nurse, to have a child, a HEALTHY child, these are all blessings that i need to be grateful for every single day.... my mom has always said "if you have your health you have everything" and I am realizing that more and more everyday. I am so blessed to have what I have and I want to enjoy life, take chances, stop over analyzing everything and just GO FOR IT!