Wednesday, January 23, 2013
29 weeks preggo and on bed rest for a while
hey guys, well I will be 30 weeks tomorrow (01/24/2013). The beginning of 29 weeks started out a little rough for sure. On Friday the 18th I was at work and just didn't feel right. I kept having to run and pee and felt a lot of pressure. I let it go on for a while then I started to get contractions and they were getting pretty uncomfortable. I finally decided to call my dr and she told me to just go ahead and go to labor & deliver triage and get checked out to be safe. Once I got to triage I was contracting pretty much every 2 minutes and was dialted 2cm and 50%. They then decided to do an untrasound (a biophysical profile) and to measure my actual cervical length. Now this is where this main issue is, my cervical length NOT the dialating because lets be real here many women begin to dialate early and walk around like that and don't even know it. But when your cervix is to short or begins to shorten to early during the pregnancy then you have to be super careful and gravity becomes your enemy. I am fortunate now that its happening now and not earlier in the pregnancy. Many women lose babies in the second trimester from this (an incompetent cervix) and cant ever carry full term. For me having the contractions (pre term labor) is just another risk factor that isn't helping the situation. If my cervix gets to short ill be admitted again on bed rest until 36 weeks. As of now I am home with my sweet little boy and My dad has been taking him to and from school for me since I am unable to drive. That is a nice help. I am still taking my Procardia which is a Blood Pressure med but is used for preterm labor because it helps relax the uterus and calm down contractions. This med sucks and lowers my BP super low so im feeling like crap and super tired. I also will be getting progesterone shots once a week now until 36 wks, as if im not already a hormonal emotional mess lets just throw some more in there lol!! I also have received two steroid rounds which help her develop her lungs a little faster JUST in CASE miss ellie cant hang in there until 36 wks and decided to come early. Right now im taking it one day at a time and doctors have my goal week as 32 weeks right now. The longer she stays in the healthier she will be. So that's basically the facts and update for now. I am feeling so blessed to be home in my own bed and with my sweet boy and as of now my sweet girl is as healthy as can be and has a load of hair ; )
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